Polisi kehutanan dari BBKSDA Sumut dan Rangers dari Yayasan Scorpion melakukan patroli gabungan di Dusun Hutaimbaru, Desa Luat Lombang, Kecamatan Sipirok, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan (14/09). Kegiatan patroli ini bertujuan untuk mencegah upaya penangkapan orangutan dan perusakan hutan di wilayah ini.
Tim patroli mendapatkan informasi bahwa telah terjadi aktivitas illegal logging di area hutan di Desa Luat Lombang. Namun ketika patroli dilakukan, tim hanya menjumpai seorang masyarakat lokal yang masuk kedalam hutan dan tumpukan rotan. Kepala Resort Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok, Muda Hutabarat, yang tergabung didalam tim patroli telah menginterogasi si pengambil rotan dan berjanji tidak melakukan aktivitas ilegal ke dalam hutan.
Dusun Hutaimbaru merupakan salah satu bagian dari habitat Orangutan Tapanuli (Pongo tapanuliensis) yang berada di Blok Timur Ekosistem Batang Toru, Sumatra, dan berdekatan dengan Kawasan Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok. Oleh sebab itu, wilayah tersebut perlu dipantau untuk mencagah terjadinya upaya penangkapan Orangutan Tapanuli yang terkadang melintas di area perkebunan masyarakat lokal.
Google translate :
Forestry police from BBKSDA North Sumatra and Rangers from the Scorpion Foundation conducted a joint patrol in Hutaimbaru Hamlet, Luat Lombang Village, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency (14/09). This patrol activity aims to prevent orangutan capture and forest destruction in this area.
The patrol team received information that illegal logging activities had occurred in the forest area in Luat Lombang Village. However, when the patrol was carried out, the team only found one local community who entered the forest and heaps of rattan. The head of the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve Resort, Muda Hutabarat, who is part of the patrol team, has interrogated the rattan taker and promised not to carry out illegal activities into the forest.
Hutaimbaru Hamlet is a part of the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) habitat in the East Block of the Batang Toru Ecosystem, Sumatra, and adjacent to the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve Area. Therefore, this area needs to be monitored to prevent any attempts to catch the Tapanuli orangutan, which sometimes cross the plantation areas of local communities.
A pile of rattan found by the patrol team
When the patrol team interrogating the rattan collector.
Observing the surrounding forest
The team walking into the the forest of Hutaimbaru area.
Resort head of Sipirok Nature Reserve, Mr. Muda Hutabarat (with a gun), leading the joint patrol in Hutaimbaru area.