Pada 29 September 2020, Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BBKSDA) Sumut, bersama Yayasan Scorpion Indonesia, melakukan pemantauan gabungan, di desa Ramba Sihasur, Kecamatan Sipirok, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumut.
Tim menemukan adanyanya Perburuan (penagkapan burung) di desa Ramba Sihasur, desa Enclave yang masuk dalam kawasan Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok, namun setelah dicek tidak termasuk burung yang dilindungi.
Tim otoritas memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, agar tidak menagkap satwa yang dilindungi terutama Orangutan dan meminta masyarakat secara sukarela melepaskan burung burung yang dipelihara
Diperjalanan pulang tim menemukan
lahan kopi usianya sekitar 5 tahun, diduga masuk dalam kawasan Cagar Alam Dolok
Sipirok, temuan ini akan dipelajari oleh tim BBKSDA SKW V Sumut.
Google translates
On September 29, 2020, the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA), together with the Scorpion Indonesia Foundation, conducted joint monitoring, in the village of Ramba Sihasur, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra.
The team found hunting (catching birds) in the village of Ramba Sihasur, Enclave village, which is part of the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve, but after checking it was not a protected bird.
The team of authorities provides education to the public, so they don't catch protected animals, especially orangutans and ask people to voluntarily release the birds they care for.
On the way home, the team found a coffee land that is about 5 years old, allegedly included in the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve area.
Socialization of protected animal
The car team used Ramba Sihasur
Birds that are kept by community
Observations around the village