Seekor burung elang laut (Haliaeetus leucogaster) berhasil diselamatkan oleh tim dari otoritas margasatwa (BBKSDA Sumut) dan Yayasan Scorpion dari Komplek Perumahan Griya Family, Medan (2020/09/21).
Elang ini ditemukan oleh Bapak Saifaul, salah satu warga Kompleks Perumahan Keluarga Griya. Menurut keterangan Bapak Saiful, elang itu jatuh di atas atap rumahnya. Sadar bahwa elang ini termasuk salah satu satwa yang dilindungi undang-undang Indonesia, bapak Saiful melaporkannya ke BBKSDA agar segera dievakuasi.
Kondisi kesehatan elang ini kurang sehat, terlihat lemas dan sayapnya terluka. Beruntung tim dari BBKSDA dan Yayasan Scorpion segera mengevakuasi burung malang ini, lalu membawanya ke Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa di Sibolangit. Menurut tim lapangan, elang ini masih bisa direhabilitasi dan memiliki kesempatan untuk dilepasliarkan kembali ke alam liar.
Google translate:
A sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) was rescued by a team from the wildlife authorities (BBKSDA North Sumatra) and the Scorpion Foundation from the Griya Family Housing Complex, Medan (2020/09/21).
This eagle was found by Mr. Saifaul, a resident of the Griya Family Housing Complex. According to Saiful's statement, the eagle fell on the roof of his house. Realizing that this eagle is one of the animals protected by Indonesian law, Mr. Saiful reported it to the BBKSDA for immediate evacuation.
This eagle's health condition is not healthy, looks limp and its wings are injured. Luckily, the team from BBKSDA and the Scorpion Foundation immediately evacuated this poor bird, then took it to the Animal Rescue Center in Sibolangit. According to the field team, this eagle can still be rehabilitated and has the opportunity to be released back into the wild.
Eagle was taken to a rehabilitation center in Sibolangit
Handover of the eagle to Wildlife Authority