Pada 30 September 2020, tim gabungan polisi kehutanan Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BBKSDA) Sumut, bersama Rangers Scorpion serta satu orang pemandu lokal kader konservasi, melakukan patroli, di desa Aek Nabara julu, Kecamatan Marancar, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumut.
Kegiatan bertujuan untuk memantau aktifitas perburuan Orangutan, perambahan lahan dijadikan perkebunan, serta Ilegal Logging
Dalam misi ini, tim menemukan sisa potongan kayu dan kebun masyarakat yang telah ditanami kopi, karet dan sayur sayuran, di Aek Parjelokan, yang masuk dalam kawasan Cagar Alam Sibual buali
Atas temuan di atas, tim otoritas melakukan pendataan serta mencari solusi terbaik untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada.
Google translates
On September 30, 2020, the joint team of the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA), together with the Scorpion Ranger and one local guide, a conservation cadre, conducted a patrol in the village of Aek Nabara julu, Marancar District, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra.
The activity aims to monitor orangutan hunting activities, land encroachment for plantations, and illegal logging
In this mission, the team found scraps of wood and community gardens that had been planted with coffee, rubber and vegetables, in Aek Parjelokan, which is part of the Sibul Buali Nature Reserve.
Based on the findings above, the team of authorities collected data and looked for the best solution to solve the existing problems.
the team will go on patrol
authorities rcord the finding pieces ofwood
conversion of forest to coffee and rubber plantations
patrol team resting in forest