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+62 812 5055 109
Close down all illegal wildlife sales in Indonesia. The wildlife belongs in the wild. Indonesian Law No. 5/1990 says: Every person who kill, capture, keep protected species (alive or dead) can be sentenced to five years in jail and fine of IDR100 million (US$7,400.00).
Joint Patrol in Bulu Mario: Examination of Animal Traps (October 21, 2020)
Posted on 23:16 October 25th, 2020

Tim gabungan yang terdiri dari Staf lapangan Yayasan SCORPION, polisi kehutanan dari otoritas margasatwa (BBKSDA SU) dan penduduk lokal baru-baru ini melakukan patroli gabungan di desa Bulu Mario.

Dalam misi patroli ini, Tim patroli menemukan beberapa tumpukan kayu yang diduga hasil pembalakan liar dan perangkap binatang. Kemudian jebakan hewan tersebut dimusnahkan dan dugaan pembalakan liar dicatat untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut untuk menemukan pelakunya.

Bulu Mario adalah sebuah desa di Kecamatan Sipirok, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera, salah satu desa di dalam Ekosistem Batang Toru, habitat orangutan Tapanuli.

Kegiatan patroli ini dilakukan pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2020, dengan tujuan memantau dan mencegah perburuan satwa khususnya orangutan, serta pemusnahan perangkap satwa.


A joint team consisting of field staff from the SCORPION Foundation, Forestry Police from Balai Satwa Liar (BBKSDA SU) and local villagers recently conducted a joint patrol activity in Bulu Mario Village.

In this patrol mission, the patrol team found several piles of wood that were thought to be the result of illegal logging and animal traps. Then the animal traps were destroyed, and suspected illegal logging was recorded for further investigations to find the culprit.

Bulu Mario is a village in Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency, Sumatra, one of the villages within the Batang Toru Ecosystem, the habitat of the Tapanuli orangutan.

This patrol activity was carried out on October 21, 2020, with the aim of monitoring and preventing animal hunting, especially orangutans, and eliminating animal traps.

The patrol team is recording the find of an animal trap

The patrol team is recording the findings of piles of wood that are suspected to be the result of illegal logging

The team is patroling in Bulu Mario forest

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