Posted on 21:20 May 24th, 2016
Approximately 1,500 illegal birds are on sale in Muntilan wildlife market, Magelang district in Central Java province. Some of the birds are protected by the Indonesian law number 5 year 1990.
Scorpion Foundation reported this illegal bird sales to head of BKSDA in
Central Java today via electronic email which accompanied by photographs of the
Scorpion investigator visited this market on 23rd of May 2016 and
asked the traders if the birds in their shops were equipped with transportation
permit (Surat Angkut Tumbuhan dan Satwa Dalam Negeri (SATS-DN). No one said to have
the permits, therefore, their birds are illegal.
According the Forestry
Minister Regulation No. 447/Kpts-II/2003 concerning administration
directive of harvest or capture and distribution of the specimens of wild plant
and animal species (Article 61), All and any activities of domestic
commercial distribution shall be covered by Permit for Domestic Transport of
Wild Plants and Animals (SATS-DN).”

Javan sunbird (Aethopyga mystacalis), protected by Indonesian law no 5 year 1990.

Photos: Scorpion