Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021, tim gabungan yang terdiri dari Balai otoritas satwa liar (BBKSDA SU SKW-II) bersama Yayasan SCORPION melepasliarkan 34 dari 44 belangkas (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) di Suaka Margasatwa Karang Gading, Sumatera.
Belangkas-belangkas tersebut merupakan hasil sitaan Polres Langkat dari pelaku yang berinisial S, pada tanggal 11 Maret 2021. Dari total 44 belangkas, ada 10 ekor yang mati. Belangkas yang mati kemudian disimpan sebagai barang bukti oleh pihak otoritas dan kepolisian, sementara semua belangkas yang hidup berhasil dilepasliarkan kembali ke alam. Kasus ini menjadi catatan khusus untuk tim SCORPION yang menandakan bahwa perdagangan ilegal jenis satwa ini masih terjadi di pantai timur Sumatera.
Saturday, March 13, 2021, a joint team consisting of the Wildlife Authority (BBKSDA SU SKW-II) together with the SCORPION Foundation released 34 of the 44 Horseshoe crabs (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) at Karang Gading Wildlife Reserve, Sumatra.
The Horseshoe crabs were the result of the confiscation of Langkat Police from the perpetrator with the initials āSā, on March 11, 2021. Out of a total of 44 belangkas, there were 10 dead. The dead were then kept as evidence by authorities and police, while all the surviving remains were released back into nature. This case became a special note for scorpion team which indicates that the illegal trade of this species of animal is still happening on the east coast of Sumatra.
The joint team at the Langkat Police
The Horseshoe crabs were confiscated by the Langkat Police
The joint team is releasing Horseshoe crabs at Karang Gading Wildlife Reserve