Pada 10 September 2021, Polisi kehutanan dari Otoritas Satwa Liar (BBKSDA SU-SKW V) bersama staf lapangan Yayasan Scorpion melakukan pemantauan di Huta Imbaru, Kecamatan Sipirok, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Desa ini berada disekitar Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok.
Berdasarkan pemantauan tim gabungan, di curigai bahwa ada jaringan perdagangan kayu ilegal, dimana kayu-kayu tersebut diambil didalam kawasan Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok. Saat pengecekan dilapangan, tim melihat beberapa gelondongan kayu yang diduga diambil secara ilegal namun perlu investigasi lebih lanjut dikarenakan belum menemukan pemilik kayu tersebut dan dimana diambilnya kayu tersebut. Ketua tim patroli, M. Hutabarat, menyampaikan bahwa wilayah ini tadinya dicanangkan menjadi tempat koridor satwa dan merupakan rumah bagi Orangutan tapanuli.
[Google translate]
On September 10, 2021, the Forestry Police from the Wildlife Authority (BBKSDA SU-SKW V) together with the Scorpion Foundation field staff conducted monitoring in Huta Imbaru, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. This village is located around the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve.
Based on the joint team's monitoring, it was suspected that there was an illegal timber trade network, where the timber was taken within the Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve area. When checking in the field, the team saw several logs of wood that were allegedly illegally taken, but further investigation is needed because they have not found the owner of the wood and where it was taken. The head of the patrol team, M. Hutabarat, said that this area was originally planned to be a wildlife corridor and a home for the Tapanuli Orangutan.