Pada tanggal 03 September 2021, tim dari Yayasan Scorpion dan Dinas Damkar Deli Serdang melakukan proses evakuasi dua ekor kera, seekor kera ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) dan seekor kera ekor pendek (Macaca nemestrina), di Batang Kuis Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan tindak lanjut dari aduan masyarakat kepada Otoritas Satwa Liar (BBKSDA-SU) yang merasa terganggu oleh keberadaan kedua kera tersebut di area perkotaan. Oleh sebab itu masyarakat berinisiatif untuk menangkapnya dan menyerahkan kedua kera tersebut kepada pihak otoritas agar dapat dievakuasi ke tempat yang lain.
Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun dari masyarakat setempat, kedua kera tersebut merupakan bekas peliharaan seseorang yang hendak dilepaskan karena semakin agresif. Monyet ekor pendek jantan diberi nama Masbro, sedangkan monyet ekor panjang betina diberi nama Wiwik. Kedua kera tersebut ditempatkan sementara di Kantor Yayasan Kalajengking di Medan untuk diamati oleh tim medis BBKSDA-SU dan dirawat oleh Animal Keeper Yayasan Kalajengking agar mereka memiliki kesempatan untuk hidup kembali di alam liar.
[Google translate]
On September 3, 2021, a team from the Scorpion Foundation and the Deli Serdang Fire Service carried out the evacuation process of two monkeys, a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and a short-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina), in Batang Kuis, Deli Serdang Regency. This activity is a follow-up to the public's complaint to the Wildlife Authority (BBKSDA-SU) who felt disturbed by the presence of the two monkeys in urban areas. Therefore, the community took the initiative to capture them and hand over the two monkeys to the authorities so they could be evacuated to another place.
Based on information gathered from the local community, the two monkeys were ex-pets of someone who was about to be released because they were getting more aggressive. The male short-tailed monkey was named Masbro, while the female long-tailed monkey was named Wiwik. The two monkeys were temporarily housed at the Scorpion Foundation Office in Medan to be observed by the BBKSDA-SU medical team and cared for by the SCORPION Foundation Animal Keeper so that they have a chance to live again in the wild.
Evacuation of Masbro
Evacuation of Wiwik