The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the Indonesian Non-Government Oganisations (NGO’s) will jointly prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in handling of bird protection in Indonesia. This is one of the decisions of a meeting between the Directorate General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystem (KSDAE) of the MoEF on Friday (29/1/2016).
In a meeting chaired by the Director of Biodiversity Bambang Dahono Adji at the MoEF headquarters, 23 participants attended and provided feedback to improve government policy in handling birds protection in Indonesia. The NGO’s included Scorpion Foundation, WřWF, Pemerhati Burung (Bird Observers), PKBSI (Indonesian Zoo Association), Burung Indonesia, KKI, Suaka Elang, WCS, Burung Nusantara, APCB (Bird Breeding Association), and Fauna and Flora International (FFI). The Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) also participated in the meeting.
The MoEF asked each NGO’s to provide their respective feedback to improve policy on bird protection in Indonesia. In the meeting, Scorpion Foundation Director Gunung Gea expressed that law enforcement is seriously needed in protection of the Indonesian birds. The Scorpion recently sent investigators to various cities in Indonesia including in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Malang, Muntilan, and some other small cities in East Java, and found no traders had permits to catch or to transport birds to their shops. Therefore, their birds were illegal and their the shops selling illegal birds need to be closed down.
Meanwhile Senior Investigator of Scorpion Marison Guciano expressed that the supervision of bird hunting in the forest need to be tightened to prevent disappearing of the birds in the wild.
Chairman of the meeting, Bambang Dahono Adji.
Participants of the meeting
Participants of the meeting.