Mr. Henry Ginting (40), a defendant of protected animals trading, was tried in the Medan District Court. The trial
was chaired by the presiding judge Mr. Saryana, with the public prosecutor Mrs. Rahmi Shafrina.
The defendant, Henry, captured four lorises (protected), four silvery
langurs (protected), and two long-tailed macaques from plantation area in Sibiru-Biru Village, Deliserdang district of North Sumatra
province. He then displayed the animals in front of his house for sale. He also
sells animals via on line.
Three policemen, Natanael Bangun,
Marolop Sihombing and Nelson Hutagalung conducted surveillance and disguised
themselves as buyers.The policemen then pretended to be doing a transaction against
the protected animal in the defendant's house. During the transaction, the
officer found evidence of the protected animal from the defendant’s house.
In the trial on Wednesday (12th of December 2018), the prosecutor said, Mr. Henry violated Law no.
5/1009 regarding conservation of living Natural resources and their ecosystem,
and government regulation no. 7/1999 regarding preservation of wildlife.
Court hearing of this case will be continued on Tuesday, 18th
of December 2018.