

Wildlife Hotline :
+62 812 5055 109
Close down all illegal wildlife sales in Indonesia. The wildlife belongs in the wild. Indonesian Law No. 5/1990 says: Every person who kill, capture, keep protected species (alive or dead) can be sentenced to five years in jail and fine of IDR100 million (US$7,400.00).
Rescue Mission of Crocodylus porosus From Tanjung Pura, Sumatra (January 06, 2021)
Posted on 16:30 January 07th, 2021

Pada tanggal 04 Januari 2021, seekor buaya muara (Crocodylus porosus) dengan berat sekitar 90 kg dan panjang 2-meter lebih ditangkap masyarakat menggunakan pancing dengan umpan bebek, di Perairan Sungai, Desa Pulau Banyak, Kecamatan Tanjung Pura, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumut, dan diserahkan ke kantor Polsek Gebang.

Seketaris Desa Pulau Banyak menghubungi Otoritas Satwa Liar BBKSDA SU SKAW II Stabat, terkait buaya yang ditangkap masyarakat, agar segera dilakukan evakuasi.

Pada 05 Januari 2021, sekitar pukul: 02:30 dinihari, petugas Otoritas BBKSDA SU SKW II Stabat Esra Barus dan Rizky Peramana Putra bersama direktur SCORPION Ali Bangun Gea, melakukan Rescue dan membawa buaya ke kantor SKW II Stabat, untuk dilakukan pengecekan oleh dokter hewan.

Kerongkongan buaya terluka karena menelan kail yang terikat sling, setelah tim dokter mengeluarkan kail dan sling, selanjutnya dilakukan roses perawatan.

Pada 06 Januari 2021, BBKSDA SU bersama SCORPION membawa buaya ke penangkaran di Asam Kumbang Medan, untuk dititip sementara selama masa observasi sebelum dilepasliarkan kehabitatnya.


Google translate:

On January 4, 2021, a female estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), a female, weighing about 90 kg and 2.5 meters long, was caught by the community using a fishing rod with duck bait, in the Perairan River, Pulau Banyak Village, Tanjung Pura District, Regency. Langkat, Sumatra, was handed over to the Gebang Police Office.

The secretary of Pulau Banyak village contacted the Wildlife Authority of BBKSDA SU SKAW II Stabat to immediately carry out a rescue,

On January 5, 2021, at around: 02:30 am, officers from the BBKSDA SU SKW II Authority, Stabat Esra Barus and Rizky Peramana Putra, together with SCORPION director Ali Bangun Gea, carried out a rescue and brought the crocodile to the SKW II Stabat office, for inspection by veterinarians.

The inside of the crocodile was injured by swallowing the hook that was tied to the sling, after the team of doctors took out the hook and sling, the next treatment process

On January 6, 2021, BBKSDA SU together with SCORPION took the crocodile to captivity in Asam Kumbang Medan, to be temporarily deposited during the observation period before being released to its habitat.

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