Four traders of wildlife parts with initials A (30 years), B (35 years), MM (40 years), andJ (35 years) were arrested in Southeast Aceh district, Aceh province in Sumatra. Along with the arrest, the police also confiscated from them 16 beaks of rhinoceros hornbills, and 19 horns of deers.
Chief of Police District of Southeast Aceh, Police Commissioner, Rahmad Har Deny Yanto Eko Saputro told the press on Friday (14/12) that the four traders were arrested in Mbarung village on 13th of December 2018.
Police chief of Southeast Aceh showing the beaksĀ of rhinocerosĀ hornbills and horns of deers. (Serambi)
Beaks of rhinoceros hornbills and horns of deers. (Tribrata)
The four trader of wildlife body parts in Southeast Aceh district. (Tribrata).