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+62 812 5055 109
Close down all illegal wildlife sales in Indonesia. The wildlife belongs in the wild. Indonesian Law No. 5/1990 says: Every person who kill, capture, keep protected species (alive or dead) can be sentenced to five years in jail and fine of IDR100 million (US$7,400.00).
This Pig-Tailed Macaque Waited 10 Years to Be Rescued from the Chain of Torture (October 16, 2020)
Posted on 07:44 October 18th, 2020

On October 16, 2020, a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) was successfully evacuated by a joint team from BBKSDA-SU, KPH I, SCORPION and local communities in Lau Damak Village, Bohorok Sub-District of Sumatra. This macaque is considered to have troubled the community and someone said that this beruk has bitten a child. After being evacuated, the team took the pig-tailed macaque to Wildlife Transit Center in Stabat for health checks and rehabilitation. Very grateful, this macaque can start a new life without having to be tied with chains that have tortured him for more than 10 years.

This activity was carried out because of reports from the community to the Wildlife Authority (BBKSDA-SU) that a group of gibbon and macaque often entered the village area. The community also requested that these animals must be evacuated immediately to prevent poachers caught them illegally and do not disturb community plantations. However, the gibbon herd was not found even though the joint team had been on patrol for two days.


Pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2020, seekor beruk (Macaca nemestrina) berhasil dievakuasi oleh tim gabungan dari BBKSDA SU, KPH I, SCORPION dan masyarakat lokal di Desa Lau Damak, Kecamatan Bohorok, Sumatera. Beruk ini dianggap meresahkan masyarakat dan ada yang mengatakan beruk ini telah menggigit seorang anak kecil. Setelah dievakuasi, tim membawa beruk tersebut ke Wildlife Transit Center di Stabat untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan dan rehabilitasi. Sangat bersyukur, monyet ini bisa memulai hidup baru tanpa harus diikat dengan rantai yang telah menyiksanya lebih dari 10 tahun.

Kegiatan ini dilakukan karena adanya laporan dari masyarakat kepada Balai Besar Satwa Liar (BBKSDA SU) bahwa rombongan owa dan kera sering memasuki kawasan desa. Masyarakat juga meminta agar satwa tersebut segera dievakuasi agar pemburu tidak menangkapnya secara ilegal dan tidak mengganggu kebun masyarakat. Namun, kawanan owa tersebut tidak ditemukan meski tim gabungan telah berpatroli selama dua hari.

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