The Scorpion Wildlife
Trade Monitoring Group and the Wildlife Authority (BBKSDA) in North Sumatra
rescue an injured orangutan baby from Jl.
Patumbak-Telunkenas Pasar VII, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra this morning
(Friday, 6th of January 2017).
The owner, Mr.
Sembiring, told Scorpion Investigator that this orangutan was captured in the
forest near Lau Juhar I village in Dairi, North Sumatra four months ago and
later handed it over to Mr. Sembiring who kept this rare animal in Patumbak
before taken by BBKSDA and Scorpion. However, other source said, the orangutan was captured in Aceh Barat Daya.
This female baby
orangutan (named Tesi, about one year old), is injured on her head, therefore,
BBKSDA invited veterinary doctor of Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari to accompany the
confiscation team.
The Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group and the BBKSDA have carried out a join monitoring of illegal rare animal petting in Medan and in its surrounding areas for the last two days. Apart from the baby orangutan, some other rare animals were also found yesterday, but further investigation was still needed.
Tesi in her cage in Patumbak, Deli Serdang. (Photo: Scorpion)