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Close down all illegal wildlife sales in Indonesia. The wildlife belongs in the wild. Indonesian Law No. 5/1990 says: Every person who kill, capture, keep protected species (alive or dead) can be sentenced to five years in jail and fine of IDR100 million (US$7,400.00).
Handling efforts to end animal and human conflicts in Tanah Rencong Aceh (February 27, 2023)
Posted on 11:27 March 01st, 2023

ceh membuka lembaran tahun 2023 dengan kabar yang memilukan dari dunia flora dan fauna. Setidaknya, belasan warga diserang satwa liar harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae) dan gajah sumatera (Elehas Maximus sumatranus) selama Januari dan Februari. Bahkan, dua warga di antaranya meregang nyawa.

Dimulai dari kejadian seekor harimau sumatera berusia antara 1,5-2 tahun ditemukan mati di kebun warga Desa Peunaron Lama, Kecamatan Peunaron, Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Satwa liar ini mati diduga akibat keracunan. Korban pertama yang diduga kuat akibat konflik satwa dan manusia itu bernama Sufri (40). Ia diserang gajah liar ketika sedang membuat pondok kebun bersama beberapa warga lain di Desa Kekuyang, Kecamatan Ketol, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Nyawa Sufri tak bisa berhasil terselamatkan, sedangkan dua warga lain bersama Sufri mengalami luka serius di sekujur tubuh sehingga harus mendapatkan penanganan medis. Dampak peristiwa ini, 80 kepala keluarga di desa itu terpaksa mengungsi ke pengungsian karena tidak berani pulang ke rumah.

Beberapa hari berselang, Fitriani (45), warga Desa Lhok Keutapang, Kecamatan Tangse, Kabupaten Pidie dilaporkan tewas mengenaskan akibat amukan gajah liar. Ia tak berhasil lepas dari amukan gajah liar ketika sedang berada di kebun miliknya, yang memang kerap dilintasi kawanan gajah.

Selain itu, konflik satwa liar juga terjadi di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Tim patroli hutan Forum Konservasi Leuser (FK) yang berjumlah empat orang diserang harimau sumatera pada Sabtu (28/1) siang. Kejadian itu terjadi di hutan kawasan Sampali, Kecamatan Kluet Tengah, Aceh Selatan, yang mengakibatkan keempat warga tersebut mengalami luka ringan hingga luka berat.

Dua hari kemudian, tiga orang petani di Kecamatan Kluet Tengah juga diserang harimau sumatera ketika sedang menginap di pondok kebun kawasan hutan Gunung Sampali. Satu orang petani di antaranya berhasil selamat, sementara dua petani lain mengalami luka parah di bagian tubuh dan kepala. Kedua korban ini diketahui bernama Amrizal (65) dan Habib (29), mereka merupakan ayah dan anak.

Sejumlah peristiwa ini menjadi catatan buruk bagi Aceh dalam mengawali 2023. Hal ini juga memberi pesan bahwa konflik satwa dan manusia di daerah paling barat Indonesia itu perlu segera ditangani sebelum menjadi semakin tidak terbendung. Balai Konservasi dan Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Aceh menyatakan bahwa konflik satwa dan manusia di awal tahun itu terjadi di dalam kawasan hutan lindung, baik di Aceh Selatan dan Aceh Tengah.

Konflik satwa ini terjadi karena penyerobotan kawasan hutan oleh masyarakat. Apalagi, warga juga nekad mendirikan pondok kebun di dalam kawasan hutan, sehingga menjadi pemicu terjadi konflik satwa dan penduduk.  Kepala BKSDA Aceh (Agus Arianto) menghimbau kepada masyarakat agar tidak melakukan aktivitas di dalam kawasan hutan lindung. Tim BKSDA, Koramil dan Polsek di Aceh Tengah juga telah memastikan bahwa peristiwa itu terjadi dalam kawasan hutan. Bahkan, jarak lokasi kejadian dengan desa pemukiman penduduk sekitar 6 kilometer. Para korban telah mengetahui bahwa kawasan ini memang lokasi perlintasan gajah liar. Namun, masyarakat tidak menggubris sehingga mengundang peristiwa tersebut terjadi dan menelan korban jiwa.

BKSDA terus berupaya melakukan penanganan konflik satwa dan penduduk. Saat ini, pihaknya bersama unsur terkait tengah menyusun strategi jangka panjang dengan cara menata wilayah peta pergerakan gajah. Peta kawasan pergerakan gajah tersebut berguna untuk mengetahui kawasan bermain gajah, sehingga masyarakat dapat melakukan penyesuaian jenis-jenis tanaman pada perkebunan. 

Di sisi lain, BKSDA juga telah melakukan mitigasi konflik satwa dengan cara menggunakan petasan untuk mengusir kawanan gajah yang masuk ke kebun warga, pembuatan pagar kejut (power fencing), dan penggalian parit (barrier). BKSDA juga terus menelusuri sebaran kelompok gajah liar di wilayah hutan Aceh untuk dipasang kalung GPS atau GPS collar. Tujuannya agar bisa memantau pergerakan hewan bertubuh besar itu dalam upaya meminimalisir konflik satwa.


---------------------(Google Translate)--------------------

Aceh opens the new year 2023 with heartbreaking news from the world of flora and fauna. At least dozens of residents were attacked by wildlife Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) and Sumatran elephants (Elehas Maximus sumatranus) during January and February. Two of them died.

Starting from the incident a Sumatran tiger aged between 1.5-2 years was found dead in the garden of a resident of Peunaron Lama Village, Peunaron District, East Aceh Regency. This wild animal died allegedly due to poisoning. The first victim who is strongly suspected of being the result of animal-human conflict is named Sufri (40). He was attacked by a wild elephant when he was building a garden hut with several other residents in Kekuyang Village, Ketol District, Central Aceh District. Sufri's life could not be saved, while two other residents along with Sufri suffered serious injuries all over their bodies that required medical treatment. As a result of this incident, 80 heads of families in the village were forced to flee to refugee camps because they did not dare to return home.

A few days later, Fitriani (45), a resident of Lhok Keutapang Village, Tangse District, Pidie Regency, was reported to have died horribly due to the fury of a wild elephant. He could not escape the fury of the wild elephants when he was in his garden, which is often traversed by herds of elephants.

In addition, wildlife conflicts also occur in South Aceh District. The Leuser Conservation Forum (FK) forest patrol team, totaling four people, was attacked by a Sumatran tiger on Saturday (28/1) afternoon. The incident occurred in the forest in the Sampali area, Central Kluet District, South Aceh, which resulted in the four residents experiencing minor to severe injuries.

Two days later, three farmers in Central Kluet District were also attacked by a Sumatran tiger while staying overnight in a garden hut in the Mount Sampali forest area. One of the farmers survived, while two others suffered serious injuries to their bodies and heads. The two victims are known as Amrizal (65) and Habib (29), they are father and son.

These events set a bad record for Aceh starting in 2023. This also sends a message that animal and human conflicts in the westernmost region of Indonesia need to be addressed immediately before they become increasingly unstoppable. The Aceh Conservation and Natural Resources Agency (BKSDA) stated that earlier this year animal and human conflicts occurred in protected forest areas, both in South Aceh and Central Aceh.

This animal conflict occurs due to the encroachment of forest areas by the community. Moreover, residents are also determined to build garden huts in the forest area, thus triggering conflict between animals and residents. The head of BKSDA Aceh (Agus Arianto) appealed to the public not to carry out activities in protected forest areas. The BKSDA, Koramil and Polsek teams in Central Aceh have also confirmed that the incident occurred in a forest area. The distance between the location of the incident and the residential village is about 6 kilometers. The victims knew that this area was indeed a crossing location for wild elephants. However, the community did not pay attention, thus inviting the incident to occur and claimed lives.

BKSDA continues to make efforts to handle conflicts between animals and residents. Currently, the joint team with related elements is developing a long-term strategy by arranging the elephant movement map area. The map of the elephant movement areas is useful for knowing the elephant playing areas so that the community can make adjustments to the types of plants on the plantation.

On the other hand, the BKSDA has also mitigated animal conflicts by using firecrackers to drive away elephant herds that enter people's gardens, building shock fences (power fencing), and digging trenches (barriers). The BKSDA is also continuing to track the distribution of wild elephant groups in the forest areas of Aceh to install GPS collars or GPS collars. The goal is to be able to monitor the movements of these large animals to minimize animal conflicts.


Joint officers assisted by residents trying to remove iron traps filled with Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in Koto Indarung Village, Central Kluet, South Aceh

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