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Close down all illegal wildlife sales in Indonesia. The wildlife belongs in the wild. Indonesian Law No. 5/1990 says: Every person who kill, capture, keep protected species (alive or dead) can be sentenced to five years in jail and fine of IDR100 million (US$7,400.00).
The Poor Pig-tail Macaque from Perdagangan, Sumatra (December 14, 2020)
Posted on 22:08 December 15th, 2020

Seekor kera ekor babi (Macaca nemestrina) dilaporkan oleh masyarakat lokal di Perdagangan, Kab. Simalungun, Sumatera kepada otoritas satwa liar (BBKSDA SU). Pada Minggu malam (06/12), kera tersebut (dalam keadaan lemas dan terluka di seluruh bagian tubuhnya) dititipkan kepada Yayasan SCORPION untuk dilanjutkan upaya penyelamatannya. Namun sayangnya, pada Selasa siang (08/12), kera ini meninggal saat dilakukan pengobatan medis. Kera yang malang ini juga diduga mengalami trauma akibat penyiksaan.

Menurut keterangan medis dengan didukung hasil nekropsi, dugaan sementara meninggalnya beruk diakibatkan infeksi saluran pernafasan yang bersifat kronis dimana paru-paru kanan sudah hancur (rupture), paru-paru kiri tampaknya membentuk tuberkel dengan dugaan tuberkulosis (TB) yang merupakan penyakit zoonosis. Infeksi bakteri melalui organ pernafasan, terutama paru-paru mengakibatkan terjadinya sepsis.

Pada hari Senin (14/12), spesimen beruk dan keperluan dokumen administratif telah selesai dipersiapkan. Spesimen akan dikirim ke Pusat Studi Satwa Primata (PSPP) di Bogor untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan Histopatologi.




A pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) was reported by local people in Perdagangan, Simalungun Regency, Sumatra to wildlife authority (BBKSDA SU). On Sunday night (06/12), the macaque (weak and injured all over his body) was entrusted to the SCORPION Foundation to continue the rescue effort. But unfortunately, on Tuesday afternoon (08/12), this macaque died during medical treatment. This poor macaque is also suspected of being traumatized as a result of torture.

According to medical information, supported by the results of necropsy, the temporary suspicion that the death of this macaque was caused by a chronic respiratory infection in which the right lung has been destroyed (rupture), the left lung forms tubercles with the suspicion of tuberculosis (TB) which is a zoonotic disease. Bacterial infection through the respiratory organs, especially the lungs, causes sepsis.

On Monday (14/12), the specimens and administrative documents had been prepared. The specimens will be sent to the Primate Animal Study Center (PSPP) in Bogor for histopathological examination.

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